Thursday, June 25, 2009

Some quick boosts.

The other day I was doing my jump ropes in the parking lot behind my apartment, which is shared with the bicycle shop next door. My landlord (who also owns the bicycle shop) came out of the store and as he was leaving shouted to me "Your too fit!" I laughed lots.

Last night, as I was jumping rope again (same parking lot) I turned around to rotate the 10 sided die I use to count my sets (a gamer through and through) I was startled to realize I had an audience. 4 of the neighbor kids and their friends were all gathered on the neighbor's back porch and were watching me. They started asking me why I was jumping rope (the answer being so that I would be super healthy) and if it was hard. They were impressed by how many I was doing and offered to help keep count. They were probably all like 6-8 years old. It was pretty freakin' awesome to see the way they were clearly impressed. I love kids.

Today my roommate ordered chicken wings from Wings Over Burlington. I seriously used to order wings like once a week. It was bad. They are so delicious though. Anyway, I turned away to go up and finish my workout just as the roommate who ordered wings started saying things like "Oh, I could do it..." to the other roommate and as I rounded the stairs I heard one of them say, "Yeah, but that's some impressive discipline." It made me feel pretty badass.

Bottom line, we may not look different yet, but people notice.


  1. Yes you get to a point where the discipline is a reward in itself. Once you cross that actuality cravings simply don't become a factor anymore.

  2. Sweet news, Seabass. Sweet news.
