Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dice and Badasses

After Patrick's recommendation two days ago that we use some sort of counting method that's not just keeping our sets in our head, I decided to use one of my primary geek tools to do the job. So pulled out a 10 sided die (or a d10 in the proper parlance) and rotated it to the appropriate number after each set. It was great, though not ideal for a few reasons.

1) Sometimes it takes me a while to find the next number. Sometimes as much as 15 seconds. That's just annoying.
2) It is small and easily rolls to the wrong number.
3) It is small and not terribly satisfying to denote a completed set.

So last night while I was at the local game shop for a Magic tournament, I picked up this baby:
You can see my computer mouse on the left there for some scale. This is a d20, but it's big, heavy, and the numbers are sequential. And I love the fact that I am using the ultimate nerd object in an activity so rarely associated with geekery.

Also, I want to share with you the true inspiration for my PCP, since Sean was kind enough to tell us the story of Rufus. I don't have any pictures or videos for you, but a passage from one of my favorite books, Snow Crash. If you are at all a fan of cyberpunk then you need to read this book. The main character is a sword fighting, computer hacking badass named Hiro Protagonist. This passage is just after he meets the main villain, Raven, and really nails the thought process that lead me to PCP:

Until a man is twenty-five, he still thinks, every so often, that under the right circumstances he could be the baddest motherfucker in the world. If I moved to a martial-arts monastery in China and studied real hard for ten years. If my family was wiped out by Colombian drug dealers and I swore myself to revenge. If I got a fatal disease, had one year to live, and devoted it to wiping out street crime. If I just dropped out and devoted my life to being bad.

Hiro used to feel this way, too, but then he ran into Raven. In a way, this was liberating. He no longer has to worry about being the baddest motherfucker in the world. The position is taken.

For me, those thoughts didn't end at 25.


  1. Awesome passage and great idea with the D20 man. I love how geeky this group is.

  2. Way wicked D20 man! And, thanks for sharing the cyberpunk inspiration. Was the character's last name really "protagonist"? Heh, I actually played a pencil and paper RPG called "Cyber Punk" decades ago. I had a character named Darkman. I got a lot of lucky rolls with him.

    Hmm, your quoatation reminded me of something I sometimes think about as I do my PCP, One of Brody's lines from Mallrats:

    "What you think just because a guy collects comics, he can't start some shit?!"

    Although, I usually replace the last three words with "get in shape".

    Keep up the good fight, Seabass!

  3. I am learning so much about gaming! Even more than when my former beau explained WOW to me 3 times.

  4. dude, if you're doing pull ups and you can't make one, you should stop and make a saving roll.

  5. When this is all over, we should all get together and play some D&D or something. But the way, Seabass, do you know about the Order of the Stick?

  6. LoL at Bryan. Yeah Sean, that would actually be pretty cool. I had a friend who was running a campaign over skype for a while and using OpenRPG as a virtual table top. It actually worked pretty well, but then we all got too busy to keep it up.

    I am aware of Order of the Stick, but admit that I don't really read it. I can only devote so much time to the online content sink.

  7. Dice... that is some serious geek awesomesauce.

  8. Thought for a second you were going to talk about Hiro's daily Kata with a length of rebar...

    Excellent quote for sure, and so so true.
