Friday, June 26, 2009

Some General Thoughts

When this project started, the workouts were tough, but not nearly the beating they've become in the last week. Where once they left me feeling invigorated and pumped, now I tend to finish up as a puddle of Jello. Especially Planks. That shit is tough. I had no idea my core was so weak. I would say I hope those get easier, but knowing Patrick, he'll switch us to something even harder the moment it starts to become "not so tough."

Keeping up with food has also been a challenge. I've been successful, pretty much across the board, but it's hard to find the motivation to not just make the same things each day. I guess mostly, I'm blown away by how much I have to plan ahead to be able to eat the right things. Gone are the days of just saying to myself "I think I want X" and then going out to eat it.

However, it makes basic life a little more challenging, and a little more satisfying at the same time. It reminds me very much of Peace Corps in that way.


  1. You're getting tougher every day, you just never realize it because we keep on adding sets and reps at such a steady drip. Feeling like jello is a good thing. Carry on.

  2. “you can't be a kid without it.”

    bill cosby
