Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Day 2, getting on track

Holy crap I feel like I just don't stop moving lately. As of about the middle of last week I went from nothing happening to everything moving. I love it! It kind of feels like after the better part of a year of life moving at a trickle, I'm suddenly rushing downstream towards who knows what, but it's exciting, a little unnerving, and all very very good!

Just to give an idea of what I have going on right now (most of which I will write about at length at some point):

-Just moved into a new apartment.
-Maintaining connection with a very strange, sounds to good to be true, person who's trying to get me to work on a global social justice project (this will take some explanation as it's just too weird how it's panning out).
-Trying to apply to grad schools/looking for better jobs (like maybe one that's actually associated with a career)
-Working on qualifying for the Magic: The Gathering Pro Tour
-Peak Condition Project

The last two are my number 1 and 2 priorities this summer. But yeah, all this while also working full time. Crazy.

This morning's work out went splendidly. Did the jump-ropes in the parking lot behind my house and got significantly fewer odd looks from passing locals. I did notice that yesterday and today after the 3rd set I start to get kind of a headache type feeling in the right side of my head. Always the same spot. It goes away literally like 5 min after I stop, but it's still annoying as it makes the last sets a little unpleasant.

Lunges, pushups, sit-ups were all as easy/hard as I expected. That is, easy at first, but getting those last one or two are a push. I worry that I might not have found quite the right pushup position yet as I still mostly feel it in my arms. Patrick, any thoughts on this? Will it get better when I get some bars?

Goals for the next day or two are to actually bookmark/follow people's blogs in some sort of organized fashion so I can properly participate in the community aspect. Community is a huge part in everything I do. I find more and more that if I can't share something with others, I quickly loose interest.

Also, you may find it interesting to check out my blog from my peace corps experience: peacebass.blogspot.com. I've made a couple of posts since I've been back but i'd say it's mostly a dead blog now. Anyway, check it out.


  1. I'll admit to trying my hand at one or two games of Magic :)

    Where your headache is concerned, are you perhaps shrugging your shoulders or creating tension in your neck by some other means? How is your hydration level? Maybe it's a chain reaction initiated by the impact of hitting the ground between jumps?

  2. The headache thing will go away it happens to about a quarter of PCPers when they start jumproping.

    The push-up bars will protect your wrists and make push-ups much more comfortable, get them as soon as you can.

    The people looking at you crazily won't scowl so much in a few weeks when you're looking ripped!

  3. So, Bass, as a former Magic player (all my cards are back in Canada), I was wondering, what do you have to do to qualify for the tournament. Good luck by the way. I'm playing thr Marvel TCG on my Nintendo DS and it often reminds me of those good ol' MTG grand melee days with my friends. I've also got 13 years of pencil and paper RPG's under my belt. maybe we could share stories sometime.

  4. For the Pro Tour you have to win a Pro Tour Qualifier (I'll be playing in one in Montreal on the 13th) or have a high enough rating. I think the rating cutoff for invites is 2000. My composite rating is currently like 1725 but my constructed (build your deck in advance) rating just flew to 1860 after Regionals.

    For Nationals next month I'm going to try and grind in through "last chance" qualifiers the day before. Single elimination tournaments of 128 where the winner gets q'd for nats. My top 8 finish at regionals has really got me pumped and motivated again to take my game to the next level.

    I'll post little mini reports after my PTQ and other tournament experiences so you can all keep track. I'll try and make them as laymen friendly as possible.

  5. http://tinyurl.com/obs436 Those are the results from the regionals I participated in Sean. The first place winner is one of my best friends and teammates from here in vermont so I'm glad he one. It was a huge tournament with 244 people and 9 rounds before we cut to top 8 where I lost in the final round (first loss all day, so close!)

  6. You must have hasd a hell of a deck.
