Monday, August 3, 2009

So it's my birthday...

... and I find myself with no idea what to do. I had to work, which was whatever. And my family is all otherwise tied up with stuff (which was unexpected but happens). So now my plans of dinner with the folks have fallen through and I have to improvise.

Well, normally I'd rally a bunch of friends for a drink, but I don't drink at the moment. And most food I'd go out to eat is not PCP friendly. So... maybe a movie? Kind of short notice to invite anyone for that sort of time commitment.

Most frustrating of all though is the fact that, oddly, I don't really mind the idea of not doing anything. That's actually what I think frightens me most. Am I getting old? I'm only 26, that's shouldn't feel this unexciting. But it is over the 25 "I should be an adult doing adult things now" hump.

Odd. Never has a birthday felt like such a non event.


  1. Happy Birthday, Seabass! I'll go through something similar as my birthday falls near the end of August, but before the PCP ends. So, I'm planning on doing something after the PCP is finished. Do the same. Just because your Birtday is today, doesn't mean you can't celebrate it at a later date.

  2. Happy (belated) Birthday!

    Sean has a good idea, turn your birthday party into you PCP completion celebration where you eat deep-fried oreos washed down with 12% beer. I joke, Patrick.

  3. Happy Happy Happy Birthday. La la.

    I am imaging all the PCPers circling around you, like at the local family restaurant, singing a song.

  4. Happy Birthday dude. Don't be too sad. Celebrations are overrated.

    (happy birthday, seabass)

    Oh man, my birthday was june 11th, I don't know why I didn't blog about it - maybe because it sucked.

    All I wanted to do for my b-day was the PCP, but my mom insisted on making me dinner and a cake (the latter i convinced her not to make)

    My dad made chicken Parmesan which used up all the chicken and the eggs and was definitely not kosher for the PCP. And I just kind of got depressed.

    All I wanted to do was do the PCP perfectly and play videogames. Well, at least I got to play Mass Effect for a while.

  6. Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. Actually, I sounded more down in my post than I was. I think what was more bothersome to me than anything was how much I didn't seem to mind my birthday being a non event.

    I actually ended up going out for Sushi (mostly PCP friendly) with my room mate and then we went and saw Moon (which is an amazing movie, btw. It's castaway in space with clones). So it was a quiet but enjoyable evening.
