Thursday, August 13, 2009

I only look awake online.

So I was lying in bed this morning with my imac playing music at me to try and get me out of bed and trying to tell myself "just another 20 min, you can do the work out after work." All of a sudden I hear the sound of a new chat window. See, as part of my alarm clock program (Aurora for those interested) I have it programmed to automatically launch Adium at the time I'm supposed to wake up. This way I will appear awake online and if someone tries to chat with me I'll have to get out of bed to answer them. Well nine out of ten times it's just my buddy Kurt from Peace Corps (who lives in Japan now) and I just ignore him. But this morning it was Patrick.

As if he could read my mind he was all "Yo! Get your lazy good for nuthin' ass out of bed and give me 50!" I'm paraphrasing of course, but basically he was callin' me out. Well, it worked. I got up, chatted with him for a minute, and then got outside and did the whole workout. I found a way to jump without causing my ankle pain (keep both feet stuck together and it's like one ankle supports the other) and got through eveything else. Now it's breakfast, make my lunch, and head to work.

My point is, man I wish I had gotten the chat part working earlier. I needed that kick in the ass Patrick. Thanks!


  1. can we make this an open source application? maybe jimmy can do the audio of patrick saying a variety of phrases, then when it is time for the workout, it will randomly pick one.

    im kidding.

    but seriously.

  2. LoL! Great idea shelby. I would totally run that as an app. I should get my friends who are programming for the iphone to work on it. the PCP iphone app! It could even include meal plans and set counters.

  3. Yeah, that'd be awesome. Let's make it happen because i've got more catchphrases than active brain cells left and I need to archive some to make room for new stuff, like, "where the hell is my wallet"
