Friday, August 7, 2009

Respect my Prah-or-eh-tah!

I was having a chat this evening with Patrick (I finally got the chat working) and I started talking about priorities. Specifically what I've learned about them since starting PCP.

It came about because I mentioned that I hadn't picked up my guitar once since PCP started. Instead of making excuses or even berating myself for not playing, I've been amazed with how I've been kind of ok with it the whole time. It feels more like missing a good friend than having neglected a job. The reason is because I know exactly where it lies on my priorities.

I have not been putting off guitar, nor have I been desperately trying to find time to play it. It just happens that I've placed it just far enough down on my priorities list, that I don't quite get to it. That is, given the amount of time I have, I have always made the conscious choice to engage in some other activity, and so the guitar waits. I've had opportunities, but I've put other things first.

And that's what I've learned. To own my choices in priority. I don't have anyone to blame for not doing something but myself, and I don't blame myself for simply making a choice. It's like not blaming myself for choosing PCP as the reason I have been deprived of cake. Nope, just a choice like any other. Also, I'm not as upset as I feel most people would be because I know that the time will come for guitar again. As the competitive magic season dies down (at least in the formats that I play), or when PCP ends and I can cut down the work out a bit, there will be time.

There's plenty of time to do one thing at a time and do it well. It's all about priorities.


  1. Exactly. I haven't been playing as much guitar lately either.

  2. Smart move to avoid burning yourself out.

  3. I hear you. My writing has slowed down too. But, I'll get back to it, post PCP.
