Saturday, August 8, 2009


So yesterday I bought myself a shiny new jump rope. It's a "speed rope" and is a little bit shorter than my old one (which I always suspected was a little too long) and the actual rope part is much heavier. Well, first morning with the new rope today and I pulled off the crossed arms maneuver for the first time!

This gives me a pretty good feeling for the day as I am about to head up to Canada for a magic tournament. I've been agonizing over what deck to play and I've decided to go with one that may not be the most favorable, but I know how to play it like the back of my hand. I have seen this deck post some major top 8's recently, so I know it can win against the expected field, I just have to play really well, which I know I can do more so with this deck than anything I try to pick up last minute.

But, clearly I am awesome today, so wish me luck!


  1. Good Luck, Bass! Show'em you're playin' with a full deck!

  2. Cross jump? Nice. Maybe I need a new rope. Ya, umm hmm, a new rope would do it.

  3. I tried the cross arm thing once but just ended up with a tangle. Is there anything benefit to that move other than it looking cool?
