Saturday, July 18, 2009

Workout and Indulgence.

First a work out report:

I totally slacked on day 45 and 46. I was definitely in a slump. Combine that with my workout getting pushed until way late (think post midnight) I just didn't have much get up and go. I ended up skipping a couple of the exercises, adhering to Patrick's hierarchy of importance of course. I was also careful not to skip working the same muscles on both days. That is, I skipped my legs on day 45, so I made sure I at least hit those on 46. I do wonder, when faced with a late workout like that, which is, in theory, more important? The workout or sleep? My guess would be sleep, but I have to wonder.

Anyway, I have hopefully snapped out of said valley and really pushed the burn yesterday and today. That said, I always find it discouraging when I can't complete the sets as given to us on the workout sheet. In particular I struggle with push ups and pull ups. Friday's suggested 4 sets of 8-10 pull ups saw me actually doing 7 - 3 - 1 - Fail. I finished up the last set with inclined pull ups, but it's still disheartening. Also, doing push ups right after chest dips has forced me to go back to push ups on my knees for all but the first set. It seems my personal victory of 2 sets of 10 real pushups was short lived.

I have noticed, however, that other exercises have gotten smoother. Not easier, per se, just smoother. For example, our return to squats this week actually felt explosive the first time I did them. It felt like in the preceding week I had replaced my legs with bionic pistons.

Next up: Indulgence

I get my daily emails a day in advance in the evening. When I got "tomorrow's" email and saw that we get indulgence number 2, I decided to utilize it. I had just finished a day long magic tournament and was ready for dinner, but didn't feel like cooking. So I went to Kountry Kart Deli and ordered a large Rise and Shiner. I used to love these sandwiches. They were a staple of my Saturday Magic tournaments, even. This sandwich contained bacon, egg, cheese, and hash brown on a sub roll. Total grease bomb. I could not resist using my indulgence on one of these as I was walking home.

The first bite was amazingly delicious. It was every bit as good as I remembered. However, after about 5 bites, I started to get a headache. I shit you not. Only 5 bites in and it started to get to me. It was delicious, but my body immediately started giving me all the "this is not good for you" signals. I ate on anyway. By the time I finished it, my head hurt, and I felt kind of queasy, and very tired and sluggish. Basically, I felt hung over.

It actually really surprised me how quickly it set it. My PCP meals always leave me feeling full but energized and ready to be active. This just made me feel icky. Also, there were no veggies on it. By the time I got home I was ravenous for vegetable's... for food! I scarfed a half a cucumber. It was so refreshing and mad me feel a bit better. After about a half hour I managed the effort to tackle my work out too.

I still feel kinda woozy. So now I head to bed to hopefully sleep off this poor excuse for a meal. It was delicious and I could see myself enjoying maybe a half of one on occasion, but man, it feels like I've been drugged.


  1. Yeah, dude. That's how I felt after my first indulgence.

  2. lol, yeah. My first indulgence was a Klondike bar. The first half was something like, "Oh my god, this tastes so fake, but it's so delicious!". The second half was, "oh, god, this is so good yet so gross! must. keep. eating!" Afterwards it felt like I had a weight in my stomach. And I don't mean like the normal heaviness we all feel. That is like, density. This was like, some disgusting lump that shouldn't be there.

    What's funny about it is that I felt it would be a good idea to eat it before before I did my workout. Man, sometimes it's like I try to make things hard for myself.

  3. Dude, that's nasty. I hope you feel better soon. I'm going of for Itallian tomorrow for my indulgence. But, one of these days, I'm going to try a bag of Nacho Cheese Doritoes and see what it does to me. Proably indulgence three, if there is one, or at the end of the program.
