Sunday, July 5, 2009

Choice vs Temptation

Today was tough with the unscheduled bouncing from party to party. I feel like I managed to stay on diet for the most part though. All except for two things. I had a very very small amount of strawberry daiquiri (which except for the rum was actually totally PCP safe) and I had a cookie.

I thought long and hard about this cookie. It was a bacon and chocolate chip cookie baked by one of my coworkers. The offering of the cookie in the first place was a catalyst for a conversation about PCP and what it is that I am doing. I explained about my diet and everything, and how there was nothing good in that cookie, nutritionally speaking. Some of my co-workers sympathized and encouraged me to stay on plan. Others saw it as a fun game to try and persuade me to eat the cookie. In a way, I feel like I beat them both.

I did not give in right away to the tempters. Rather I presented many arguments against the cookie and actually resisted temptation the entire time they were vocal. However, later in the party. I chose to eat one cookie. I think that is important that I resisted, and then made the conscious choice to try the cookie. What is the point of getting into peak health if it doesn't mean I can't enjoy the occasional and unconventional treat when it presents itself.

All weekend I have been tempted by BBQ, and greasy fries, and fried dough and such at various July 4th events. All of it called to me. All of it I resisted. But this bacon and chocolate cookie intrigued me enough that I chose this one instance to deviate from the plan and try something new that I had not encountered before. And I only ate one.

Does this count as cheating? Probably. But I feel like I demonstrated the level of control over my food choices that the PCP is about. I think this is what Patrick expects us to get out of our indulgence experiences (Though I already had my indulgence with popcorn at Transformers 2). It's like, after resisting to a point, I was no longer "giving in" but rather "choosing to enjoy" something that I knew was bad for me physically, but made my taste buds extremely happy.

Also, the Daiquiri was made by my boss, so I couldn't refuse totally :-P.


  1. Yeah, what's important is going through that thought process. "I deeply understand that this isn't very good for my body. But it's interesting/delightful enough that I'm going to take that hit."

    If you keep thinking like this you'll rarely be tempted, and when you are, you'll really enjoy it.

    Never underestimate how satisfying a little taste can be though. There's no law saying you have to eat the whole unit of food.

  2. there is a boulder bakery that makes bacon and chocolate ganache cupcakes ;) so how was the cookie?

    way to be! Even though people might know about the PCP, doesn't mean they won't try to offer you stuff at gatherings like this. It was so hard to not appear rude and/or get all evangelical about food and exercise. Definitely need to find a balance!

  3. Oh, man, a little while ago, I think in week 3 or 4, I had a shot of 101 proof SoCo, which was definitely not PCP safe, but I had to show up my friend who couldn't even do one, despite the fact that he's been drinking regularly for the past week and I hadn't since april.

    One thing to note - I never felt impaired by alcohol. In fact, I felt uplifted by it. After this shot, I was barely buzzed, but I felt a slight decrease in myself, like I was less there because of it. It makes me wonder that maybe I was in such pitiful shape that the alc. made me feel good, and now that I'm in better shape, it only makes me feel worse.

  4. Hmmm, well you know, There's only one thing I have to say here. Who the hell started putting bacon in cookies?!?!?! DId the guy think, "Hey, you know, these cookies could contain more fat. I just think we aren't trying hard enough." How the heck does a cookie suddenly become a pork product? Is this the pork industries way of getting around the swine flu hype? Heh. Next time I hit the confessional, Seabass. You wanna come? ;-)

  5. There is something odd about mixing 3 animals that is funny. cookies made with chicken embryo's, cow's milk, and pork strips. thats a lotta farm animal in one little morsel.

  6. I could never get into bacon. Always tasted like a pig to me. Like you look at a pig, and you think, that guy must taste just like bacon.
