Saturday, July 25, 2009


Holy crap! Trying to stay on plan while at this convention has been a nightmare. First there's the food. I've been pretty much eating restaurent food since I landed. I've managed to mostly stick to stuff that I know is safe, but frequently it's been impossible. I have atleast been very mindful of what I am eating and avoided resorting to a meal of entirely grease. It doesn't help that at every turn I hear the "fuck it! I'm on vacation" excuse being bandied about.

Today though, my friend griffin and I finally went And found a grocery store and a farmer's market. So I loaded up on fruits and veggies and cooked shrimp. I'm probably just going to drink my eggs raw as we have no way to cook in our room. It makes managing protein pretty tough.

Mostly the biggest challenge stems from the fact that once I register for any of the tournaments I'm pretty much locked in for five or six hours with no more than a five or ten minute break here and there. Not a lot of time to find better food than whatever they are serving in the hall, which has been mostly crap.

Oh well, I ate a pepper PCP meal tonight and feel much better now. Now Ijust need to find the time. To get my workouts back on full track.


  1. It's going to be tough man do your best.

  2. Do they serve crappy food to add to the challenge in the tournamnet? "Okay, now for the grease round...everyone feeling rasonably lethargic? Ready, go!" heh ;-)

  3. I don't buy into the "I'm on vacation" mentality. Imo, it's a slippery slope once you start that game. Pretty soon it turns into "F- it! It's Tuesday!" then you're screwed.
