Friday, July 3, 2009

Vicious cycles.

I really like working out in the morning. I don't feel like I'm squeezing it in, it gets me pumped for the day, it's a peaceful time of day, and it doesn't loom over me all day (not that I don't want to do it, but it lurks as this extra hour of stuff I still have to do before I can sleep). Lately though I've been stuck in this vicious circle where I stay up late for a random reason, which means I sleep a little later, so I can't work out. However, most days of the week, the next chance I get to myself if not until like 10pm or later. So I stay up until midnight or even 1am working out, which means I can't get up early the next day, and so on and so forth. It's kinda sucked.

Well, last night I forgot to take my ADD meds before bed, so it wasn't until 11am that I even came close to getting out of bed. Now clearly my body needed the extra sleep, which is fine. But without my meds I am only capable of moving at the speed of an arthritic slug for about the first hour of my day. Seriously, getting up and taking a crap takes a lot of willpower. So needless to say I did not get to my work out this morning. Now, somehow, I managed to pull or strain something in my neck during the first hour just while eating breakfast/sitting at my computer. I'm going to try and get the jumpropes in (if my neck stops hurting), but I think in the interest of getting myself back on a good cycle I'm going to postpone today's workout and do it on Sunday.

I hate it when I basically scrap a morning like this. I feel like it's the one part of the day I reliably have just to myself. Sleeping in and being super groggy has also thrown off my diet for the day as I basically skipped straight to lunch. All in all, today is not a great day for PCP, but I will find the silver lining and take it as a "whoa, need to reset the cycles" day. Take it easy, and catch up on stuff. I'll try and get all my grams in too, but they may be a little differently distributed, making up stuff with later snacks/meals, etc.


  1. Dude, I feel ya. A couple of times I have slept in later than usual and then I feel like I am cramming all the mornings food + lunch into a tiny window of time. Not that cool.

  2. This cycle was pretty much my life last week Seabass. It sucked. This week I improved it to 8 hours of sleep, but really would like to start doing the workout in the morning everyday. Maybe if I type it enough, I will do it.

  3. I just got my workout done. I skipped Friday Night Magic in order to do it, but now I can actually just go to bed when I need to instead of going "man I need to go to bed. Crap, have to work out for an hour first." I realized that missing one tournament was not going to be the end of the world and that getting back on a real schedule was more important to me.

    As Patrick routinely points out, this whole project is really about priorities and choices. If I can get back on track, Shelby, so can you!

    Keep Rockin!

  4. There's nothing wrong with a rough patch as long as it's pissing you off. Things that bother you will always be changed soon enough. It's when we accept and integrate crappy patterns that we get into trouble.

  5. I'm hell to when I don't get my Advanced Dungeons and Dragons in the morning either.
