Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sleep Deficit.

Man, I feel like I've been fighting this super up-hill battle trying to get back on track after Nationals. The biggest disruption was the fact that I stayed up all night the evening of our departure. I knew it was a bad a idea but our shuttle to the airport was coming at 4am and I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to play a fun multiplayer variant with a member of Wizards of the Coast (the company that makes Magic). After reading Kelly's article that I linked to last time I can say it was worth it.

But trying to catch up on sleep again, and get my workouts in, and working extra hours (It's like everyone at work needs coverage this week) it's been super frustrating. I feel like I need to become a hermit for a few days and just tell everyone to fuck off while I get back into routine. Sadly I can't really do that for the biggest time suck, which is work.

On the flip side, getting back to PCP diet has felt amazing. It was next to impossible to follow the plan to the letter while I was in KC. Aside from one deviation ($180 dinner for three) I don't think I really ever ate anything that wasn't PCP approved, I just was not really able to way all my portions exactly. But I put in the effort to avoid eating the crappy convention food and mostly stuck to things like grilled salmon salads from the restaurant and stuff like that. It actually wasn't that hard to eat reasonably healthy as long as I payed attention.

Because of the sleep deficit it's been next to impossible to drag my ass out of bed in time to get my jumps in. Also, I don't get home from work until like 7 or sometimes closer to 8 at night, at which point I'm super tired from work on top of lack of sleep. It makes it hard to find the effort to both make dinner and work out. Though, last night I said fuck it and pushed through my work out at 1am and actually found that when I was done I was wide awake and actually got a couple of emails and stuff done. Though that didn't really help my sleep situation much.

Anyway, slowly climbing back into the routine. I'm going to try and go to bed early tonight and get plenty of sleep. I hate how skipping one night of sleep follows you for days. It's not something I noticed before, mostly I think cause I was never listening to my body this closely.


  1. Dude, I hear ya. I'm very sensitive to sleep. If I don't enough sleep I am just a wreck the next day - physically, mentally, and emotional.

  2. While I can stand a little sleep loss, especially when I'm writing hot, I know what you mean about needing time to get back in routine. Fortunately, my wife was really understanding when I got back from the camp today and I got alot of nitpicky stuff done. I'm still really busy this weekened, but I'll be able to take it in stride.
