Thursday, September 3, 2009

One Final Thought

Similarly to Peace Corps, I hear a lot of people talk about how much the PCP has changed them, or that they are a different person. I have done this myself. But I am reminded of something one of my best friends told me when she came to visit me in Niger. I had been in West Africa for about a year and a half at this point and I asked her if she could describe how I had changed since leaving the US. What she said after a few moments thought was this:

"You're different, but not really. If anything you seem more like yourself."

This was a girl who knew me probably better than I knew myself at the time and I think she was right. Peace Corps didn't make me a different person, but brought out parts of myself that I hadn't manifested before. Likewise, I was starting to be more fitness minded before the PCP, but now that healthy person that was buried down under years of Western conditioning is able to stand before you in full fit glory. I feel like I better exemplify my own internal image of myself. That is how PCP has changed me. It has made me into myself.

Thank you Patrick and Chen for creating such a wonderful project and thank you for helping us all to be ourselves.

Ok I'm done now I swear :-P

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